Monday, February 9, 2009

Prayers for our Nation and World

Dear God, I pray that you will bring about a sense of Peace in the house and the senate. I pray you will cover the minds of all involved and give them peace in following the presidents lead. I pray that you will give Obama great wisdom and insight into our countries needs and that the decision making will be swift and the positive results will be many and bring great hope throughout the world. I pray that the president will continue to turn to you dear sweet God of Love.. Help him to trust in, confide in and submit to you. I love you God! I also pray that you will guide me into ways of using my talents to glorify you and God I pray that the blessings will flow to a place of over flowing so that I can bless others. I pray that you will provide for my family and bring about prosperity and good health. I pray that my husband will find work that he enjoys deeply. Healthy work and peace. I pray that I will be able to love him and forgive him completely and deeply.. Love Shell also I want to pray your protection over my children and my family. I pray that wisdom will spread along with patience and Love! And good health!! Love Shell

Monday, January 26, 2009

January 26th 2009 Devotions.. Exodus and Acts

Monday, December 15, 2008

Amazing Grace video in Cherokee

Friday, November 21, 2008

Reflections on the letter written for the free home

I wrote somethings that were on my heart this morning, affirmations of what God's word says about his people. That we are wonderfully and fearfully made, that he has adopted us as sons and daughters into his kingdom. That He is love. That in Him we are one. When I posted it on the site to win the Veneta home.. it sounded conceited and I felt sad. The other sad part was the double posting. I reflected on my positives which is a rare thing. I so desperately struggle to beat the deep depression that threatens to swallow me up. I so desperately want a home that my husband can come to once he is well. I want a place to build on the ambitions hopes, plans and visions that God has given me. I am a visionary with a very inventive mind. I need a solid home base and workshop to flourish. All of my visions are about establishing resources and events that will help our community and world. I want to open my home to those in need. I want to succeed and give back to the world meaningful things. I want to be generous from my fruitfulness. The hope has been greatly lacking until last night when I heard about the house on the news. I had just been talking to my mom about Veneta being a place to consider for a home should she move. Financially a miracle would be the only way I could own a home.. but then again I believe in miracles so I invested the $19.95. I have been praying for a miracle but I cant say that my needs are greater than anyone elses. I feel blessed even though my needs are great and my challenges are many! I don't care to list or dwell on them because my potential is so much greater than my circumstances. Blessings to all of you! Love Shell

Can't Sell house, I'm giving it away on Digg

Faced with a sluggish economy and waiting 11 months or more to sell the house, I am giving the house away via Digg. People tell us why they should deserve the house, and let people on Digg vote to see who is the most eligible.

read more | digg story